katakolon villages

villages near katakolon

The nearby villages may not be “traditional” in the sense you probably imagine, but they all have something in common. They are “authentic”. The inhabitants have some kind of self-reliance; fruit trees, vegetable gardens, chicken and fresh eggs daily.

On a walk through the typical village of the area, you may see women collecting wild greens, butcher shops displaying their meat outside (meaning the whole animal hung on a hook!), men playing backgammon in the kafeneion, old women in black dress carrying shopping bags, the barber trimming one’s mustache…all this accompanied by the sound of bleating goats and clucking chickens. What you definitely won’t find is people rushing to get anywhere or traffic jams!

Between the hours of 15.00-18.00 don’t expect to see the vibrant market scene in action, for this is siesta time and the whole village is asleep. In order see the traditional Greek villages, the most indicative samples of Greece’s traditional architecture, cultural heritage and history, you will have to travel further (a distance of at least 1 hour). However, they are definitely worthwhile visiting!

flock of sheep

Greek traffic jam

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